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Welcome to the first edition of our Sir Harry Smith Community College newsletter

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Message from the Chief Editor, Jeremi T

Hi! This is the first edition of the SHS newspaper and I am delighted to be the new chief editor. I hope you enjoy this issue!

As another year begins and new Year 7s join and Year 11s leave, a new addition to the school community has been started. The newspaper club is here to keep you on top of not only things that are happening in school but also current world events. Our team will bring a fresh issue every term to keep everyone up to date. Hopefully, you all enjoy this as much as we enjoyed putting this together and making the school an ever close knit community.

The SHS newspaper team:


Jeremi T, Joe T, David M


Aaron S


George N


Iustin R, Nathan W, Harry G, Kye M, Sophie W, David M, Josh H, George N, Vex M, Caleb K, Aiden B, Luke B, Kait C