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Charging Policy

Generally, there is no charge made for equipment, books and activities that take place during College hours as part of the normal statutory curriculum. On occasions, extra enrichment opportunities may be on offer during College hours for which we may ask for a voluntary contribution (e.g. theatre trips, museum visits, field trips, transport to matches etc). If field trips form an essential part of the curriculum, then no charge will be made.
In areas of the curriculum such as Food Technology, Art, Technology etc. where parents have indicated in advance that they wish to have the finished product then charges may be made. There may be occasions when it is suggested that students may like to buy a book or file that will help in their studies. Teachers may sometimes help by ordering books or files for students. It is never our intention to pressure students or parents in any way for payment.
There may also be occasions when we will ask parents for a voluntary contribution towards materials and ingredients for practical subjects. Parents will be asked to agree to and be charged for any form of education outside College hours as optional extras. It is our intention to charge parents for any lost equipment or books and to ask parents to pay for broken or damaged equipment where they result from a student’s behaviour.