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After one of Britain’s most eye-opening sites from the Bronze Age was discovered at Must Farm in Whittlesey, an evening celebrating this extraordinary discovery was held at Sir Harry Smith Community College for the local community to find out more about the historic site that is right on their doorstep.

With an opening talk from head teacher Jonathan Digby, an expert from the archaeological team who worked on Must Farm took the audience through a detailed explanation of the artefacts discovered at the site, with the list varying from completely preserved pots, detailed textiles and even a Bronze Age wheel. A audience Q & A answered the burning questions from the local community, with the number of questions showing how interested the public is with Must Farm and what it tells us about our very own ancestors all those thousands of years ago. And last of all, students from Sir Harry Smith Community College showed the audience how Must Farm had inspired them, with their presentations consisting of poems and explorative pieces and wondering what will happen to Must Farm in the future. Overall, this evening at Sir Harry’s shows how curious the local community is with this local discovery, and at the end the audience left with pride at what our surrounding environment has to offer, both in the past and now. It was also an eye-opener to how our young people of Whittlesey have been inspired by Must Farm; with this discovery being noticed worldwide, our students will be inspired to delve more into the past of Must Farm, but also to nurture and make sure it prospers in the future.

With the great exhibition of Bronze Age artefacts at Flag Fen, this amazing discovery at Must Farm truly shows how rich Whittlesey is with its history; with some of the most well preserved artefacts ever seen before by the archaeological team at a Bronze Age site before, this shows how proud we should be of where we live, both how it prospered in the past and the hope we will surely gain from this great discovery for the future.

By Lily Andrew-Martin and Connor Martin.

Click here to view photographs from the archaeological site