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Welcome to the Year 9 Guided Choices Information Page

As part of the GCSE Guided Choices process at Sir Harry Smith Community College, we are holding our Subject Information Evening on Wednesday 24th January 2024.  The evening is an opportunity for students and their parents/carers to find out more information about the courses available and how students can opt to continue their study into Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4). The evening is in addition to the information your child has been receiving through a Guided Choices assembly and the Guided Choices Student Information Booklet.


General Information

The key questions to discuss at home and with your tutor when selecting your preferred courses for Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4) will be:

  • Which subjects do you enjoy?
  • Which subjects are you succeeding in?
  • Which Key Stage 4 courses do you have an interest in?
  • Which subjects match your future aspirations?

We would strongly encourage every student to carefully consider a range of courses that will enable them to succeed and progress appropriately. For most, it is important to maintain a well-balanced curriculum that gives opportunities for different styles of learning and study and broad progression routes post 16.