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Well designed homework plays a valuable part in a student’s education. It offers opportunities for work which is independent  of the teacher. Homework tasks exploit materials, new technologies and sources of information which are not always accessible in the classroom. Homework takes many forms and is an essential complement to the work done in lessons. It is relevant to all KS3, KS4 and KS5 courses and plays a vital part in enhancing students’ learning, reinforcing what it is done in the classroom, encouraging students to take increased responsibility for achieving their goals and increasing their chances of successs.
The Purpose of Homework
Homework is set to provide students with opportunities to:
• Extend, develop and practice what is learned in class
• Prepare for work in class
• Acquire the ability, confidence and organisational skills to work independently
• Work at their own pace and ability level, particularly in tackling longer term projects
• Make use of resources and new technologies outside of the College
• Strengthen College-home links in the learning process
• Revise and reinforce skills and knowledge learnt in the class work Homework also helps the teacher to:
• Check that students understand class work.
• Assess students’ potential necessary for reviews and examination entry.
Homework will take many different forms including: planning, preparing, revising, learning, reading, speaking, designing, drawing, collecting, re-drafting, improving, researching information and written tasks to consolidate or extend learning.
Some homework tasks will be specific short term tasks related to the topic at that time and others will contribute to longer term tasks such as projects, portfolios of work and coursework.
Facilities and Resources
The College will provide resources both during the school day and after school, including library facilities, so that students have access to suitable study environment conditions for doing homework. Students have access to computers, the Internet and the college intranet (an area where students work is saved and subject support materials are stored).
The college runs a homework club which takes place after college three days a week. A member of staff is always present to supervise and help students with homework tasks. The student planner is the means by which homework is recorded by the
students and monitored by teachers, tutors and parents.
The Practice
We feel that it is important that students have time to pursue valuable out-of-school activities and that the amount of time spent on homework should not be so much as to prevent this. The recommended amount of homework to fit these criteria. As a general rule:
• KS3 classes are given between 30 minutes and 45 minutes of homework per subject per week
• KS4 classes are given between 45 minutes and 60 minutes of homework per subject per week
• KS5 are given a minimum of 3 hours of homework per subject per week, plus an additional two hours of private study per subject per week
Wherever possible, students are given a regular day on which homework is issued so that they can plan their time accordingly. Students are given several days to complete homework but no less than 48 hours.
Students are responsible for:
• Recording all homework tasks in the student planner
• Recording the completion deadline
• Completing the work set to the best of his/her ability
• Handing the completed work in on time
Parents are responsible for:
• Providing a suitable place for their son/daughter to do his/her homework
• Checking and signing the student planner to see what homework is set
• Encouraging the student to complete the homework on time
• Contacting the College via the tutor or subject teacher if there are any concerns
The College is responsible for:
• Setting regular and appropriate homework according to the College and curriculum area policies
• Ensuring that homework is properly recorded in the student planner
• Setting a date for completion
• Marking the homework and giving helpful and constructive comments alongside the assessment stamp
• Returning the marked work within two weeks of collection
• Promoting the homework club and learning resources area to help support students
• Taking appropriate action to sanction students who fail to complete homework including contacting parents