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What is bullying?
• Name calling and nasty teasing
• Threats and extortion
• Physical violence
• Damage to belongings
• Leaving students out of social activities deliberately and frequently
• Spreading malicious rumours, or threats, including by phone or email
This behaviour is usually repeated, often over a long period of time. As a College we will:
• Organise our community to minimise opportunities for bullying
• Use opportunities to promote a fair, friendly environment, eg PSHE programme
• Deal quickly, firmly and fairly with reports of bullying involving parents when appropriate
• Regularly review policy and practice
• Maintain a fair discipline structure
• Promote positive and tolerant attitudes both in behaviour and teaching materials
Serious incidents will be dealt with under the College’s disciplinary policy with reference to the aims of the PSHE programme and equal opportunities.
Possible consequences for a person responsible for bullying:
• Staff will talk to the suspected bully and witnesses, they will be encouraged to make a full report of what happened
• Parents will be informed
• Disciplinary measures will be used as appropriate. This may include: fixed-term exclusion, internal exclusion, re-entry agreement, report card monitoring
• It may be appropriate to involve a police liaison officer
• An official warning may be given and the incident will be recorded
• Support will be provided to discover why they became involved and to prevent a repeat
• Pastoral support may include monitoring improvement; work on prejudiced attitudes and encouraging the bully to make a genuine apology to the target.
The sequence of involvement of staff will be; Tutor - Year Leader - Senior Leader - Police. Referral to SENCO/secondary support may be appropriate.
Support for a target of bullying:
Staff will:
• listen to any report of bullying and take it seriously
• Inform parents and involve them as well as trusted friends with support strategies
• Promote support methods and monitor regularly, eg peer buddy/prefect buddy/safety checks by staff
• Provide ‘safe havens’ for vulnerable times, eg breaks before and after school
• Encourage positive friendships among peers
• Access secondary support staff to promote responsible assertiveness and improve well-being
• Use strategies like ‘circle of friends’ for continued support
• Provide e-mail help:
• Provide cyber mentors
What can you do if you are being bullied?
• Remember that silence is a bully’s greatest weapon
• Tell yourself you do not deserve to be bullied and that it is WRONG
• Be proud of who you are. It is good to be an individual
• Try not to show you are upset; it is hard, but a bully thrives on your fear
• Stay with a group of people, there is safety in numbers
• Be assertive - shout NO! Walk confidently away
• Go straight to a member of staff
It’s best to tell an adult you trust - you will gain support.