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Mobile Phones / Handheld Devices
Sir Harry Smith Community College recognises that parents may wish their children to have mobile phones for use in cases of emergency.
Mobiles can be used inappropriately, however, and are potentially targets for theft and bullying. We therefore insist that:
  • no handheld devices to be seen or heard anywhere in College from 8.40 am until 3.00 pm, except for break and lunchtimes in the Red Hall and outside only
  • staff will confiscate handheld devices from students if they are seen or heard at inappropriate times; this includes lessons and lesson changeover times
  • the device will be put in a bag labelled with the student’s name and taken to reception
  • the student may collect the device at 3.00 pm from reception and will be asked to sign in receipt of the devicereception will operate a logging system, and if a student has three or more occasions where a device is confiscated, parents will be contacted to ask them to collect the device from reception
  • Students who fail to comply with a staff request for confiscation will be dealt with via the normal disciplinary procedures for failure to follow staff instructions
  • If a member of staff at school has any suspicion that a mobile phone had unsuitable material stored on it, students will be required to hand over the phone to a member of staff and parents will be asked to collect it from a senior leader at the College.
  • In circumstances where there is a suspicion that the material on the mobile may provide evidence relating to a criminal offence, the phone will be handed over to the police for further investigation. Parents will need to recover the phone from the police in such circumstances
  • Any inappropriate or unauthorised use of the camera or phone facilities affecting students or staff may lead to confiscation
  • Any failure to comply with the above guidelines may result in normal disciplinary action to be taken up to and including the consideration of permanent exclusion of the students concernedStudents remain responsible for their own property and will bear the responsibility of any losses
Parents should be aware that whilst there are obvious benefits to students having a mobile phone, in terms of personal safety, there are also some associated risks such as potential for theft, bullying and inappropriate contact, including grooming by unsuitable persons.
Inappropriate taking and use of photographs
Students taking and/or sharing inappropriate photographs of staff or other students will face serious disciplinary action. In appropriate circumstances, a complaint will be made to the police.