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Post 16

A Levels & Level 3 BTEC

Students in the Sixth Form are normally entered by the College for the examinations in their chosen courses of study. Students take up to four A levels of their choice.

In the exceptional case of a student missing part of a course or failing to carry out assignments the College reserves the right not to make the entry. This will always be discussed with the student and the parents. Parents will, in such case, be given the opportunity to have the entry made at their own expense. The majority of public examinations take place between 1st April and 30th June. Where a student fails, without good reason, to attend an examination the parents will be asked to refund the fees incurred to the College.

The College Examinations Manager can agree to enter a student for an additional examination for which the College has not provided preparation, in such a case the entry will normally be made at the parents’ expense.


All students are normally entered by the College for GCSEs in English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science. In addition, at least four other subject entries will be made for GCSE. Parents are notified of these entries and have the opportunity to discuss them with subject teachers.

In the exceptional case of a student missing part of a course or failing to carry out assignments the College reserves the right not to make the entry. This will always be discussed with the student and the parents. Parents will, in such case, be given the opportunity to have the entry made at their own expense. Where a student fails, without good reason, to attend an examination the parents will be asked to refund the fees incurred to the College.

A helpful guide to help with preparations for exams can be found here