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We truly believe that for our young people to have the best chances in life they need to develop as fully rounded individuals and therefore we look to provide students with the skills they need to develop personally, alongside those needed to help them achieve academically.

To help with this we look to enhance their understanding of the world around them through the college’s Skills for Life programme, provide them with opportunities to take part in a range of extra curricular activities and encourage them take part in an even wider array of activities both in college and out via the Aspire Awards programme and provide them with information on careers and further opportunities via our CEIAG programme.

The Aspire Awards are available to view on the website here:
Sir Harry Smith Community College - ASPIRE Awards Badges where details can be found as to what activities students can undertake in order to achieve their bronze, silver or gold awards.

Our extra curricular activities currently available to students can be found on the college website here:
Sir Harry Smith Community College - Extra Curricular Activities The vast majority of these are free of charge for all students allowing all our students the opportunities to take part.

Our section detailing our careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is available for students and parents to access here: 
Sir Harry Smith Community College - Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Within the curriculum, the College believes that the personal development of young people is essential to their health, safety and achievement as individuals within society. The key dimensions within personal development for young people are:

  • The knowledge, skills and attitudes to make healthy choices and manage risk
  • The ability to form and manage supportive and stable relationships, including examining sexuality and sexual relationships
  • The knowledge, skills and ability to manage their own personal finance, and to understand how business and enterprise operates
  • The capacity to develop awareness of themselves as learners and managers of change
  • The capacity to recognise and celebrate diversity and difference
  • The opportunity to participate actively in their schools and communities
  • The development of an understanding of how society works and the rights and responsibilities of being a citizen
  • The ability to anticipate the demands and challenges of adult life including work and leisure opportunities
  • The opportunity to demonstrate creativity and enterprise

Our programme is based upon the statutory Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education 2020 and includes Relationship and Sex Education, Health Education, Citizenship, Economic and Careers Education and Guidance.

The Programmes of Study and Delivery

Our programmes of study are available for everyone to view via the Skills for Life subject page available here:
Sir Harry Smith Community College - Skills for Life

They are delivered in the following ways:

  • Assemblies, tutor time and activities
  • Curriculum time dedicated as skills for life lessons
  • Opportunities identified within the wider curriculum
  • Speakers, conferences and opportunities for young people to participate in, both in college