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Financial Support for Sixth Form Students

16-19 Bursary Fund

The College receives funding from the Government to help students who may need financial help to cope with the extra expense associated with Sixth Form study.
There are two types of bursaries available:

A guaranteed bursary of £1,200. You are eligible for this if you are:

  • In care
  • Young care leaver (if you have been looked after for a period of 13 weeks consecutively between the age of 14 and 16)
  • Receiving Income Support / Universal Credit (in your own name) 
  • Receiving Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payments and Employment Support Allowance/ Universal Credit (in your own name)

A discretionary bursary is for students who might need financial help to stay on in education for items like transport, meals, books and equipment. A discretionary bursary can be awarded up to £800. It is available for households on low incomes. You will need to supply evidence of income or that someone in your household is in receipt of the qualifying benefits: 

  • If you receive Free School Meals, you can apply for up to £800 per academic year.
  • If your household income is less than £16,000 you can apply for up to £400 per academic year.
  • If your household income is between £16,000 and £24,000 you can apply for up to £200 per academic year.

Applications for a bursary are confidential and no information will be declared publically. Information will only be used and shared for the application of a bursary. By applying for a bursary you are agreeing to the College verifying eligibility of your application and evidence.

To be eligible to receive an award you must be between 16 and 19 and you must meet the residency criteria. You must also be on the October Census. You will also need to provide written evidence of your household income, dated within the last three months. The Tax Credit Award Notice usually has all the information we require.

All payments will be made every half term and will be paid directly into your bank account.

Receipt of bursaries does depend on you meeting the agreed following standards. These will be monitored carefully using progress checks, behaviour watch and any reports from teachers.


  • Minimum attendance of 96% overall or for the bursary payment period.
  • 2 or better for independent learning and attitude to learning on the latest progress check, or through feedback from teachers if a progress check has not been published during the period since the last payment. 
  • All work to be up to date.
  • Full attendance to all examinations.
  • Adherence to the Post 16 contract.

16-19 Financial Support Payment

Furthermore, if you find yourself in a position of financial hardship, due to costs incurred to enable you to attend the College, or for other reasons that are having a detrimental effect on your education, then the College can, at its own discretion, offer a 16-19 Financial Support Payment. The 16-19 Financial Support payment may be of any value up to a maximum of £400. Depending on circumstances, this may be a one off payment or may follow the payment schedule outlined above.
To apply for a 16-19 Financial Support Payment, you will need to complete the appropriate form, available from Mrs Restaino, and hand it to Mr T Smith, Head of Sixth Form.
Some of the items you may claim for are listed below, although this is not exhaustive. Any course related payment may be considered for payment. 
Transport to College
Clothing for College
Equipment and materials required for your course 
College trips
University open days and interview costs

Once your application has been approved you will receive a letter letting you know how much and when you will be paid. You will need to keep this letter safe as proof of your entitlement to receive funding. If your application is not approved, you will be informed of this decision by letter. In this case you have the right to appeal against this decision. You must submit your appeal in writing within ten working days of receiving this letter to Miss White, Principal. If, at any time, you do not meet the agreed standards as set in the letter, we will inform you by letter that payment will not be made for this period.

You must notify the College of any change in your circumstances that might affect your eligibility for a Bursary or Financial Support Payment. Level of support may increase, decrease or be withdrawn completely.

Applications must be given to Mrs Restaino by 13th September 2024 for consideration for a bursary. For more information or to discuss an application please speak to Mrs Restaino,  in the first instance.