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Information for Parents


At SHSCC we recognise the influential role and impact that you as parents and carers play in helping your children make the important decisions about their education and future career choices.

Opportunities, careers, pathways and choices are constantly changing.
Below is a list of rites and helpful resources that offer up-to-date and relevant guidance and advice.


If you would like further information about careers or would like to arrange a guidance meeting for you and your child, please contact Angela Curtis (Careers Coordinator) at (01733 703991)

Helpful Resources

There are lots of helpful websites and guides that are specifically designed to provide information of how you can help support your son or daughter with these important choices.

Talking Futures:   
Talking Futures provide free resources to help you support your child make informed decisions for their futures.
A parents' toolkit for career conversations (

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The Gatsby Foundation has launched a parent information campaign as part of their Talking Futures work. The three short films feature ex-Blue Peter presenters Konnie Huq and Simon Thomas and show how parents can help support and talk to their children about their futures.

These can be found at:

Take Your Place (Neaco):
Take Your Place is a programme aimed at helping young people aged 13-19 consider their study options after school. It has a wide range of resources to help parents and carers support their child through their career journey.
I am a Parent/Carer - Neaco (

Youth Employment UK:
Youth Employment UK are experts of youth employment and offer a wealth of careers advice for parents to help you support your son/daughter.
Careers Advice for Parents - Youth Employment UK

National Careers Service:
A comprehensive website with job profiles and valuable guidance on the different aspects of getting a job.
Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service

This site contains helpful videos and information about a wide range of jobs and careers, tips on GCSE options, apprenticeships, university and finding work
home - icould

A comprehensive website with information to help you support your child through applying to university and higher education. Also contains guidance on different options, including apprenticeships.
Advice for parents, guardians and carers | Undergraduate, Conservatoires, Apprenticeships, 16-18 Choices | UCAS

NOT Going to Uni – Apprenticeships and Work Experience in the UK
A comprehensive site to support students and parents with opportunities and next steps.
Not Going To Uni: Apprenticeships & Work Experience in the UK

We will be introducing Unifrog as our whole school Careers platform January 2025. Unifrog contains information on careers subjects, apprenticeships, universities, CVs, employment plus lots more and once launched, students should be accessing this resource regularly. Parents will be able to access this site too and will be able to see the same as their children.

Read their latest edition of careermag for parents, carers and guardians here careermag

The Parents' Guide to:
You can sign up to receive information What's Next 

click here for details of The Parents' Guide to National Apprenticeship Week 2024

Useful articles for parents:

This is the parents' guide to Green Careers Week 2024

Meridian Pathways:

Produced by one of our local Multi Academy Trusts this provides a wealth of information and advise aimed at parents and carers to support them in engaging with conversations with their children about their future. Whilst this has been produced principally to support parents attending Meridian Trust schools there is a lot of information that will be of help to parents of any school.

Meridian Career Pathways

Amazing Apprentieships:

 The Parent Perspective Podcast - Amazing Apprenticeships

“The Parent Perspective” is an exciting podcast series for parents and carers, helping them to support their children with careers advice and guidance. Series 3 is bigger and better than ever, led by brilliant new host, Rachel Burden!


For more key websites, please access Useful CEIAG Websites from the Main Careers page click here or email for help