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Career Education, Information and Guidance Key Staff:

Mr Tim Smith (Senior CEIAG Lead / Director of Sixth Form):         

Mrs Angela Curtis (Careers Coordinator):                                            

Mr Darryl Tomlin (Link Governor for CEIAG):                                        

Please contact if you are able to offer any help or support with our CEIAG programme


SHSCC Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) offers a comprehensive programme which aims to prepare students for making considered and realistic choices about Key Stage 3 options, post-16 and post-18 pathways and ensures they have the skills required for future career planning and career development. Our CEIAG provision forms part of the pastoral programme and we work closely with specialist outside agencies, Alumni, local FE and HE institutions, approved technical qualification and apprenticeship providers and employers to offer students impartial and unbiased career guidance. We aim to develop students employability skills and knowledge to equip them for their futures.

Up to date CEIAG resources are in the SHSCC Library and Sixth Form Centre. We have many CEIAG events throughout the year, including alternate bi-ennial SHSCC Careers Fair and SHSCC Alumni Fair.

To read the full SHSCC CEIAG Policy and view the Programme Calendar for 2023/2024 please click here 

Evaluating our provision: The College will assess the impact of its CEIAG programme on students annually, by analysing destinations data in line with activities that have taken part in the College in order to improve provision. In addition, the views of parents, teacher, students, CEIAG external agencies and employers will be surveyed after key events, e.g. Careers Fair. The Key CEIAG staff at the College meet regularly to review provision and future needs.

Years 7-9

At Sir Harry Smith Community College, Year 7, 8 and 9 students are provided with opportunities to consider their strengths in terms of subjects, skills and personal qualities through targeted careers sessions and workshops and learn about the wide variety of pathways and qualifications available. In Year 9, students are supported and guided through their pathway decisions, and parents are invited to information evenings which explain options. All students and parents can request a personal meeting with our Careers Co-ordinator, Mrs Angela Curtis (level 6 qualified). All students are also encouraged to use our extensive Careers Library to research career routes and entry qualifications.

Every year all students can attend either the Sir Harry Smith Community College Alumni Fair or Careers Fair (alternate years), as well as workshops and assemblies led by employers and educational institutions.

Years 10-11

In Year 10, students follow a careers education programme, which reviews their attainment, skills, achievements and experience, and they have the opportunity to attend workshops and assemblies designed to inform about different pathways and careers as well as dedicated careers sessions. Year 10 and 11 students prepare CVs and letters of application for a mock interview in the autumn term of Year 11. All Key Stage 4 students have a 1:1 guidance meeting with our Careers Co-ordinator, Mrs Angela Curtis (level 6 qualified). Trips to Higher Education institutions, Further Education colleges and local companies are also arranged for students, and we work closely with alumni, employers and external providers to offer our students as much information as possible to help them make informed, aspirational and realistic choices. Year 11 students are provided with individual help, advice and guidance with applications to sixth form, further education, apprenticeships, T-levels and employment.

Every year all students can attend either the Sir Harry Smith Community College Alumni Fair or Careers Fair (alternate years), as well as workshops and assemblies led by employers and educational institutions.

Sixth Form

Sixth Form students are provided with individual help, advice and guidance with applications for university, further education, apprenticeships, gap years or employment. Particular focus is on Higher Education opportunities, and the College has formed strong links with the University of Cambridge, University of East Anglia, Northampton University, University of Lincoln and Anglia Ruskin University. Students have the opportunity to take part in workshop and activity days at these institutions. Staff from Higher Education institutions, apprenticeship organisations, CEIAG specialist organisations, alumni and employers regularly come to talk to students and parents about Post-18 opportunities. During Year 13 students prepare for and attend a rigorous mock interview with local employers at the end of the autumn term.

Every year all students can attend either the Sir Harry Smith Community College Alumni Fair or Careers Fair (alternate years), as well as workshops and assemblies led by employers and educational institutions.

A Post-16 brochure with details of all courses is available, on request., but information can be found on our website. If you would like further information about our Sixth Form, please contact

Calling all employers

At SHSCC, we recognise the importance of young people engaging with employers and the opportunity to learn about the world of work.  We welcome employer engagement into our provision. This can be through career events in the school, talks from professionals, mock interviews, visits and workshops.

We rely on employers working with the school to deliver these experiences to ensure that our students understand the opportunities available to them, not only within their local community but also nationally and internationally.

If you would feel you can offer support for our current students and programme and would like to discuss how you feel you could be involved, please contact the staff listed at the top of this page.