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At Sir Harry Smith Community College we believe that everyone is of equal value; that all students have a right to equal opportunity and full access to the National Curriculum.

We believe that the views of the child should be sought and taken into account and that parents have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education. All students with special needs, educational, physical, emotional and social, should be enabled to access all educational opportunities of the College.

All students should be enabled to develop their full learning potential. Students with Special Educational Needs will be encouraged to become independent and take responsibility within the College. Everyone in the College Community - Governors, Staff, Students and Parents - has a positive and active part to play in achieving this aim.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo): Mrs Laura Lancaster

Sir Harry Smith Community College
Eastrea Road

 tel: 01733703991

Copies of our Policy on Assessment of, and Provision for Students with Special Educational Needs are available from the College reception.

Please also find further information, including the SEND policy and information report within our curriculum page by clicking here