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On 12th March 2025, Sir Harry Smith Community College had the honour of a visit from a special guest to mark International Women’s Month - Dr Kate Vigurs.


Dr Vigurs is a historian who has published several books on the role of female SOE agents in Occupied Europe during the Second World War. She has also appeared on various TV programmes and podcasts. During the day, Dr Vigurs gave a special assembly on female SOE agents to Shakespeare House, spoke to Year 7 students in the library about being an author, and then also did a special talk to a combined audience of Sixth Formers, Year 11s and a few Year 9s, who then took part in a Q + A with Dr Vigurs.

The students who took part thoroughly enjoyed the experience of getting to hear from a well-known historian – Dr Vigurs was apparently besieged by requests for autographs after her talk in the library!   

The college and Trust wishes to thank Dr Vigurs for visiting us and we hope to see her again.